Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA Graduation: May 2022 Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and International Relations GPA: 3.87
Professional Experience
Reporter, San Francisco Chronicle
Aug. 2023 - present
Second year of the Hearst Journalism fellowship, a rotational program for early career journalists
Covering insurance, environmental justice and earthquake topics on the newsroom’s climate team
Broke news in my beat and completed enterprise stories
Served as a pool reporter for the White House
Reporter, Houston Chronicle
Aug. 2022 - Aug. 2023
First year of the Hearst Journalism fellowship
Reported on breaking news, courts, police and general assignments for the metro section
Accounted for more than 250,000 website visits in one month alone
Received formal mentorship and attended monthly reporter training sessions
Class Correspondent, Lehigh University
Aug. 2022 - present
Class leader and primary liaison between Lehigh Class of 2022 peers and the university
Authoring three columns a year published in the alumni magazine with a readership of more than 80,000
Public relations officer of the class, serving as a central collection source for news about peers year-round
Editor in Chief, The Brown and White
Dec. 2021 - May 2022
Served as a reporter and news section editor for Lehigh’s student newspaper before becoming editor in chief
Managed a staff of more than 150 journalists with twice-weekly print product and daily web publication
Oversaw content for editorial, video, photo, data/graphics, a podcast and community engagement
Guided reporters and edited high-impact, award-winning articles
Created graphics, took photos, produced videos and wrote articles
Freelance Reporter, Former News Intern, The Morning Call
May 2021 - May 2022
Newspaper for the Lehigh Valley with a circulation of over 80,000 daily readers
Covered in-person events, local politics, education, courts and more
Co-wrote with senior reporters and shadowed them in-person
Martindale Scholar, Lehigh University
Feb. 2021 - May 2022
Published a paper about Alaska’s public education system in an the academic journal, Perspectives on Business and Economics
Conducted research in Alaska through a competitive honors program studying economics, culture, infrastructure and politics
Web & New Media Communications Intern, Lehigh University
Aug. 2021 - Dec. 2021
Built and revised web pages for Lehigh using HTML and Lehigh’s Content Management System software
Worked with Google Analytics, Data Studio, and SEMRush to perform benchmark studies tracking pageviews and various reader engagement diagnostics
Pitched and wrote blog posts for Lehigh’s editorial team
Marketing Intern, Morgan Seminar Group
Summer 2020
Silicon Valley management consulting firm focused on developing key talent
Developed marketing content for social media presence, events and lectures
Managed posting of content on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn
Created and managed a content calendar to track social media postings before and after events
Wrote company press releases
Proficient in: WordPress, Drupal, SEO, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition, Excel, AP Style, SEMRush, Google Analytics, Data Studio, PACER, LexisNexis
Familiar with: HTML, Adobe InDesign